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Hobbywing X6-SE: A low cost and reliable integrated propulsion system designed for drone education and training. With 6208-280KV motor, 60A-BLDC and 22×7.0″ propeller, it delivers a maximum thrust of 6.2kg and suitable for 8kg quadcopters with 25mm arm tube. It is applied to various drone scenarios such as aerial photography, inspections, mapping and more.


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* Ce produit doit être commandé auprès de l'usine. Le délai d'attente est de 30 à 45 jours.

Plus Information

Arm Tube Diameter: 25mm
KV : 280
Poids avec l'étai : 373±15g
Batterie : 6S
Recommended Thrust: 2-2.5kg/rotor
Max thrust: 6.2kg/rotor
Puissance maximale : 1070W
Prop : HF22*7.0″
CAN Protocol: Yes

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