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HOBBYWING H6M integrated propulsion system is designed for high-end industrial multirotor drones with a takeoff weight of 10-14kg. Featuring a maximum thrust of 6.5kg/Rotor and an efficiency of 11.5g/w, it is applied to multiple industrial uses, such as aerial photography, surveying and mapping, inspections, aerial monitoring, and public safety. Featuring FOC function, it allows for precision flight control and increases flight efficiency to achieve optimal performance during flights. CAN throttle redundant design improves real-time performance and anti-electromagnetic interference capability to handle throttle abnormalities to ensure flight safety at all times.

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Arm Tube Diameter: 30mm
KV: 130
Peso con l'elica: 454g
Batteria: 12S
Peso al decollo: 2-2,5 kg/motore
Max thrust: 6,5kg/rotor
Potenza massima: 1103W
Prop: 2278 (22*7.8″)
Can Protocol: Yes


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